1) A girl is hold a bowling ball. What will happen to the bowlling ball if she lets go? 2) Describe a situation where something is resisting gravity. Example: Apples are hanging on a branch so they do not fall down or You place a glass on a table so the table is holding it up  3) Explain what would happen when you put a magnets north pole on another north pole. 4) SOUTH pole on SOUTH pole would... ______________. 5) NORTH pole on SOUTH pole would... _____________. 6) Name objects in your house and at school that are attracted to magnets. 7) Is iron attracted to magnets? 8) When you cook food on a stove where does the heat start? How does the heat travel? 9) Does Ms. Ugarte have more potential energy when she is on the ground or on top of a desk? Why? 10) If you are pushing a heavy box full of books, what can you do to the box to push it faster? 11) What is kinetic energy? How can you make more kinetic energy? 12) Why does a roller coaster move down hill on a track? What is making it fall down? 13) To kick a soccer ball a short distance what kind of force do you need? What is you want to kick it far? 14) How do we use electricity in our house? 15) What is potential energy?

TOPIC 4 REVIEW: Energy, Force, and Motion


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