1) I had _____ sandwich and an apple for lunch. a) an b) - c) a d) the 2) I had a sandwich and an apple for lunch. _____ sandwich wasn't very good. a) a b) - c) an d) the 3) A lot of people go to college after leaving _____ school. a) - b) a c) an d) the 4) " I just read ---- article on ---- internet about how eating ---- strawberries makes you look younger." a) a ,a , the, b) an, the, - c) an,a , the , - d) the, the ,a,  5) I talked to the girl _____ car had broken down in front of the shop. a) whose b) who c) which d) when 6) I saw John in the shop _______ you bought your brown T-shirt. a) who b) when c) where d) whose 7) The children broke the picture _______ you bought in Paris. a) that b) when c) where d) who 8) FIND DIRECT OBJECT: My older brother found a grass snake. a) brother b) grass snake c) older d) grass 9) FIND DIRECT OBJECT: Before breakfast, I usually read the newspaper. a) newspaper b) read c) breakfast d) Before 10) FIND INDIRECT OBJECT: I left Mom a message so she wouldn't worry. a) worry b) left c) Mom d) message 11) FIND INDIRECT OBJECT: Will you bring my brother and me some souvenirs of your trip? a) souvenirs b) me c) brother d) trip 12) Yogurt is good ............ your digestion.” a) for b) to 13) I gave the book ............... my sister.” a) for b) to 14) I came to New York .......... work a) to b) for 15) I came to New York ............ a new job. a) to b) for


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