1) Identify the materials required for photosynthesis. a) carbon dioxide, oxygen and light b) carbon dioxide, water and light c) water, oxygen and light d) carbon dioxide, oxygen and sugar 2) Identify the products of photosynthesis. a) water and carbon dioxide b) water and oxygen c) sugar and carbon dioxide d) sugar and oxygen 3) Identify the source of the light energy required for photosynthesis. a) Soil b) Sun c) Air d) Leaves 4) Identify the source of the carbon dioxide required for photosynthesis. a) Soil b) Sun c) Air d) Leaves 5) Identify the source of the water required for photosynthesis. a) Soil b) Sun c) Air d) Leaves 6) Identify the site of photosynthesis in a plant. a) Roots b) Stems c) Flowers d) Leaves 7) Identify the substance that the plants store the sugar as in its leaves. a) Sucrose b) Glucose c) Starch d) Fructose 8) Identify a way to increase the rate of photosynthesis. a) Increase oxygen concentration b) Increase carbon dioxide concentration c) Decrease the mass of sugar d) Decrease the temperature 9) Identify a way to decrease the rate of photosynthesis.  a) Decrease oxygen concentration b) Increase carbon dioxide concentration c) Decrease the light levels d) Increase the temperature 10) Identify the test for starch. a) Benedict's solution turns orange b) Clinistix turns lilac c) Sucrose turns white d) Iodine solution turns black


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