1) Dave was in the first _____marine that sailed to the North Pole. a) under b) sub c) post 2) If you _____operate with police you will get a light sentence. a) in b) over c) co 3) Just heat up the rice, it's been ______cooked. a) under b) pre c) over 4) I told you to come earlier! you must have _____understood. a) mis b) under c) dis 5) She has a very ______usual haircut. a) un b) in c) im 6) He knows a lot of French words but sometimes he _____pronounce them. a) mis b) dis c) im 7) Tom is very tired because of _____work. a) under b) co c) over 8) What he said was not clear and _____leading. a) non b) mis c) dis 9) I can't eat this, it's ______edible! a) dis b) un c) in 10) There is a huge traffic jam, to appear on time we must go to the______way. a) sub b) under c) on 11) Many countries have signed an ______national agreement about nuclear weapons. a) un b) in c) inter 12) People are incapable to fly, it's _____possible. a) post b) non c) im 13) I really _____like her, she is a weirdo. a) un b) dis c) mis 14) The weather is too bad, _____likely we go for a walk. a) un b) dis c) mis


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