1) What is the value of the digit 3 in 514.231 a) Three tenths b) Three hundredths c) Three thousandths 2) The product of two numbers is -24. What could the two numbers be? a) -3 and -8 b) -4 and 6 c) -10 and -12 d) -3 and 9 3) Which of these is both a factor of 27 and a prime number? a) 7 b) 54 c) 9 d) 3 4) To work out the following sum, what is the smallest denominator I can use?  2/6 + 1/9 a) 9 b) 18 c) 54 d) 3 5) How many centimetres are there in 2 kilometres? a) 200 b) 2000 c) 20,000 d) 200,000 6) Which of the following could represent a probability? (THERE ARE TWO CORRECT ANSWERS HERE - PLEASE SELECT BOTH) a) 0.3 b) -0.2 c) 2 d) 0.43 e) 1.43 7) A triangle has a base of 8cm and vertical height of 4cm. What is its area? a) 16cm2 b) 32cm2 c) 12cm2


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