1) I .......... to the cinema last week. a) go b) have c) went d) goes e) wents f) am 2) I ....... to English class every Tuesday. a) went b) go c) goes d) wents e) like f) likes 3) I .............. TV every evening. a) watches b) watchs c) watch d) listen e) listens f) see 4) I ................. fish and chips yesterday. a) eat b) ate c) eats d) ates e) eets f) aet 5) I will ................ lunch for you tomorrow. a) cook b) cooks c) cooked d) cooking e) couk f) cooc 6) I .......... to my mother yesterday a) speak b) spoke c) speek d) spook e) speaking f) speaked 7) She ............. to class everyday. a) walk b) walks c) walking d) walked e) wakks f) walkng 8) He ............... to work every day. a) drive b) drives c) driving d) drived e) driive f) drivve 9) The children ....... homework in the evening. a) do b) does c) doing d) doed e) doo f) dooing 10) We like .............. popcorn in the cinema. a) eat b) eats c) eating d) eated e) ate f) eet


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