Laut einer Studie - according to study, ziehen - to pull, to move, wissen - to know, Wissenschaftler - a scientist, Angebot - demand, eben - even, smooth, flat, levelled, aufstellen - to establish, to set up, das Verkehr - the traffic , the transportation, verbessern - to improve , unterschützen - to support, abwandern - to migrate, wechseln - to change, auskommen - to originate, to come from, anderseits - on the other hand, ohne - without, anstrengend - exhausting, behandlen - to treat, to deal with, sich bewerben - to apply for a job, entwickeln - to develop, möglich - possible, die Möglichkeit - the possibilty, die Jugendliche - the young one, the young generation, die Bundesregierung - the federal state, behindern - to hinder, to disrupt, übernachten - to stay overnight,


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