* ____ Kate! What’s ____? I’ve just found some illustrations ____ our project “Ways of travelling” and I’d like to ____ you some things about them. * I think these photos are a good ____ for our project because they ____ two of the most popular ways of travelling. ____ the 1st picture there is a couple, a young man and a woman. They are standing on the side of the road. They ____ be hitchhiking. The young man is sticking out his thumb, signalling to passing cars that he and his girlfriend need a ride. The 2nd picture ____ a young woman at the airport. She is posing for a photo in the airport waiting area. It looks ____ she is waiting for her flight and is soon going to board a plane. I ____ the main ____ between the photos ____ in the way the people look. The couple in the first ____ look really tired. Their clothes are scruffy, it ____ they have been travelling for some time. By ____, the young woman in the 2nd ____ looks fresh and pretty. She is wearing nice beautiful clothes. And she is travelling light. She’s got only a small pink suitcase ____ the young people ____ the 1st photo are carrying large and heavy backpacks. * I ____ each of the two ways of travelling has ____ advantages and disadvantages. The ____ advantage of hitchhiking is that it is cheap and full of adventure ____ the main ____ of air travel are safety, comfort and convenience. ____ contrast, hitchhiking is not comfortable at all, it takes a lot of time and can be very exhausting and dangerous. ____ a positive note, it is cheap and full of adventure. Air travel has its ____ too, for example, it is quite expensive and can be rather boring. * ____ these downsides, I ____ travelling by plane because it is fast, comfortable and safe. (Personally, I don’t like the idea of hitchhiking.) * ____, that’s all I wanted to tell you about these illustrations. ____ me know what you think. Please, call me as ____ as you can. Bye!

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