1) Is there anything you would do different in the last six months? 2) What are three physical chacteristics you like the most about yourself? 3) Do you have any special person/people who you can count on? 4) Have you ever been to a place where you considered it could be your new home? 5) How do you help people around you during your daily routine? 6) How do yout think Coronavirus has emotionally impacted people around the world? 7) Has economy changed since this Pandemic has started? 8) Being happy x Having money: Do you see these things as equals or totally different things? 9) Whenever you travel, which do you prefer: Having the same food you usually eat or tasting the local food? 10) When it is about work enviroment, what do you consider to be a very important factor so it can be beneficial to everybody?

Leveling Questions - B1 B2


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