
Year 2

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Single versus double consonants
Single versus double consonants Chestionar
Word Reading Initial Code 4.1
Word Reading Initial Code 4.1 Găsește perechea
衣服- yīfú
衣服- yīfú Diagramă etichetată
2. EE sound spelt ee, ea, e, e...e, y, ie, ei
2. EE sound spelt ee, ea, e, e...e, y, ie, ei Potrivește
dge or ge words
dge or ge words Lovește cârtița
Peter and the Wolf characters
Peter and the Wolf characters Perechile
r-blends CCVC Matching pairs
r-blends CCVC Matching pairs Perechile
Fly into the colours!!  French colours  les couleurs
Fly into the colours!! French colours les couleurs Avion
 u-e and ue words Talisman 2 Book 1
u-e and ue words Talisman 2 Book 1 Roata aleatoare
Numbers in French
Numbers in French Cursa în labirint
U8 transport L2
U8 transport L2 Potrivește
ESP 2 REVIEWER Sortare în funcție de grup
Continents and Oceans
Continents and Oceans Diagramă etichetată
Psychology Unit 4, AoS 2 2023 SD
Psychology Unit 4, AoS 2 2023 SD Chestionar concurs
Grade 6 Tier 2 words
Grade 6 Tier 2 words Completați propoziția
Junior Italian Term 1
Junior Italian Term 1 Găsește perechea
Year 5 Hiragana わ game
Year 5 Hiragana わ game Lovește cârtița
Le petit chat qui cherche une famille
Le petit chat qui cherche une famille Găsește perechea
Ενεστώτας -ω και -ώ
Ενεστώτας -ω και -ώ Chestionar
White Belt Hiragana
White Belt Hiragana Potrivește
Subtraction Count Backs Game
Subtraction Count Backs Game Avion
Salutations 1
Salutations 1 Potrivește
Matter or Non-matter
Matter or Non-matter Deschide caseta
Daruma Wants a Wish Anogram Game 'Expressions' (hiragana and romaji)
Daruma Wants a Wish Anogram Game 'Expressions' (hiragana and romaji) Anagramă
Greetings- Greeting my animal friends
Greetings- Greeting my animal friends Potrivește
Ways to spell /j/
Ways to spell /j/ Sortare în funcție de grup
Seasons of the year
Seasons of the year Sortare în funcție de grup
Stationery Match Game
Stationery Match Game Găsește perechea
Stationery Match Game with romaji
Stationery Match Game with romaji Găsește perechea
Habitat Match
Habitat Match Sortare în funcție de grup
Japanese number 11-20
Japanese number 11-20 Potrivește
What is the correct spelling?ing and long E
What is the correct spelling?ing and long E Chestionar
Harapeko Aomushi Fruit
Harapeko Aomushi Fruit Perechile
Ολυμπιακοί αγώνες
Ολυμπιακοί αγώνες Chestionar concurs
Words containing struct
Words containing struct Cuvinte încrucişate
Emma's /s/ sound game
Emma's /s/ sound game Spânzurătoarea
"Since" sentences
"Since" sentences Rearanjează
En ville
En ville Potrivește
La classe vocabolario
La classe vocabolario Găsește perechea
Year 8 Chi sei e come stai?
Year 8 Chi sei e come stai? Întoarce dale
Chinese numbers 0-10
Chinese numbers 0-10 Lovește cârtița
List of -ARE verbs
List of -ARE verbs Întoarce dale
Yr 7 Term 4 - Days of the Week Match
Yr 7 Term 4 - Days of the Week Match Potrivește
Mi piace o mi piacciono?
Mi piace o mi piacciono? Adevărat sau fals
iiTomo 1 Unit 3 - Family (Adjectives)
iiTomo 1 Unit 3 - Family (Adjectives) Găsește perechea
Anno 8 - ll cibo - Food
Anno 8 - ll cibo - Food Întoarce dale
Spell the colour!  French colours
Spell the colour! French colours Anagramă
one stroke hiragana
one stroke hiragana Potrivește
Stage 2 Dynamics Words
Stage 2 Dynamics Words Potrivește
HSK2 Rearanjează
Appropriate or Inappropriate actions and comments
Appropriate or Inappropriate actions and comments Chestionar concurs
Term 3, 2022 - Burrow Chinese - Body Parts
Term 3, 2022 - Burrow Chinese - Body Parts Diagramă etichetată
Antonyms for basic adjectives
Antonyms for basic adjectives Chestionar
The Four Seasons!
The Four Seasons! Chestionar concurs
e...e words
e...e words Spânzurătoarea
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