
English / ESL Past simple

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Past Simple or Present Simple?
Past Simple or Present Simple? Completați propoziția
Klasa IV Present Simple przeczenia
Klasa IV Present Simple przeczenia Chestionar
Czasowniki nieregularne past simple
Czasowniki nieregularne past simple Potrivește
When was the last...
When was the last... Cărți aleatorii
Past Simple or Present Perfect | Exercise 4 | Perfect English Grammar
Past Simple or Present Perfect | Exercise 4 | Perfect English Grammar Chestionar
Find out
Find out Roata aleatoare
28. Past Simple - Negative
28. Past Simple - Negative Chestionar
Present Perfect S/ Past Simple
Present Perfect S/ Past Simple Roata aleatoare
Past simple VS Present Perfect - Twierdzenia - HARD
Past simple VS Present Perfect - Twierdzenia - HARD Cursa în labirint
Past Simple/Past Continuous
Past Simple/Past Continuous Roata aleatoare
Past Simple - regular
Past Simple - regular Lovește cârtița
Past Simple - irregular verbs
Past Simple - irregular verbs Căutare de cuvânte
29. Past Simple - Question
29. Past Simple - Question Chestionar
18. Past Simple - Irregular Verbs 1
18. Past Simple - Irregular Verbs 1 Chestionar
Past Simple/Past Continuous
Past Simple/Past Continuous Cursa în labirint
past simple - irregular verbs
past simple - irregular verbs Chestionar
Speaking - Past Simple - set1 (hcp)
Speaking - Past Simple - set1 (hcp) Cărți aleatorii
Past Simple was/were
Past Simple was/were Chestionar concurs
Irregular Verbs - 3 FORMS - 41 verbs
Irregular Verbs - 3 FORMS - 41 verbs Completați propoziția
Past Simple
Past Simple Chestionar
Past Simple/Past Continuous
Past Simple/Past Continuous Completați propoziția
30. Past Simple - Special Question
30. Past Simple - Special Question Chestionar
Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Present Perfect vs Past Simple Cărți aleatorii
Irregular verbs (past simple - 2nd form) - 31 VERBS - airplane
Irregular verbs (past simple - 2nd form) - 31 VERBS - airplane Avion
Speaking - Past Simple - set2 (hcp)
Speaking - Past Simple - set2 (hcp) Cărți aleatorii
Past Simple or Present Perfect | Exercise 1 | Perfect English Grammar
Past Simple or Present Perfect | Exercise 1 | Perfect English Grammar Chestionar
Przetłumacz zdania - Past Simple - czas przeszły
Przetłumacz zdania - Past Simple - czas przeszły Carduri flash
Present Simple with BE | Yes-No questions
Present Simple with BE | Yes-No questions Rearanjează
Present simple - choose correct subject
Present simple - choose correct subject Completați propoziția
Present Simple - to be - Pytania szczegółowe - Wh- questions -  36 PYTAŃ
Present Simple - to be - Pytania szczegółowe - Wh- questions - 36 PYTAŃ Cursa în labirint
Present Simple - 50 sentences - all forms - zdania w Present Simple - set2
Present Simple - 50 sentences - all forms - zdania w Present Simple - set2 Rearanjează
Speaking - Present Simple - Does your...? - Mówienie - Konwersacje po angielsku
Speaking - Present Simple - Does your...? - Mówienie - Konwersacje po angielsku Cărți aleatorii
Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous - Ex 1 (
Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous - Ex 1 ( Chestionar
Present Simple - 50 sentences - all forms - zdania w Present Simple
Present Simple - 50 sentences - all forms - zdania w Present Simple Rearanjează
Present Simple | To Be | Pytania "Czy" | "Yes-No" Questions
Present Simple | To Be | Pytania "Czy" | "Yes-No" Questions Cursa în labirint
06. Present Simple - Question (medium)
06. Present Simple - Question (medium) Chestionar
08. Present Simple - Special Question (medium)
08. Present Simple - Special Question (medium) Chestionar
Present Simple or Present Continuous - okoliczniki czasu - określniki czasu - BALLOON POP
Present Simple or Present Continuous - okoliczniki czasu - określniki czasu - BALLOON POP Sparge balonul
PASSIVE VOICE - Present Simple - TEST with 100 QUESTIONS - strona bierna angielski
PASSIVE VOICE - Present Simple - TEST with 100 QUESTIONS - strona bierna angielski Completați propoziția
Present Simple with BE (Am Is Are) | Yes-No questions
Present Simple with BE (Am Is Are) | Yes-No questions Chestionar
Present Simple - to be - Pytania szczegółowe - 36 PYTAŃ - Wh- questions
Present Simple - to be - Pytania szczegółowe - 36 PYTAŃ - Wh- questions Rearanjează
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