
6 9 do dont

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Do you like?
Do you like? Roata aleatoare
I/ They do/don't
I/ They do/don't Chestionar
Like/don't like
Like/don't like Cărți aleatorii
I like/I don't like
I like/I don't like Rearanjează
Day activities
Day activities Găsește perechea
Do you like animals?
Do you like animals? Roata aleatoare
Colours Deschide caseta
Colours Cărți aleatorii
MEALS Sortare în funcție de grup
Weather Anagramă
Prepositions of time in/on/at
Prepositions of time in/on/at Sortare în funcție de grup
Is it/ It is
Is it/ It is Chestionar
U short and long
U short and long Sortare în funcție de grup
Sounds of letter 'a'
Sounds of letter 'a' Chestionar
Short/long u
Short/long u Cărți aleatorii
Short u
Short u Cărți aleatorii
Saisons et mois
Saisons et mois Roata aleatoare
01 Cărți aleatorii
I/ they do/don't
I/ they do/don't Rearanjează
There is or There are
There is or There are Chestionar
Can/can't (dialogues)
Can/can't (dialogues) Completați propoziția
Have/has got (practice 1)
Have/has got (practice 1) Chestionar
Spotlight 6 My neighbourhood
Spotlight 6 My neighbourhood Găsește perechea
letter a
letter a Cărți aleatorii
Letter Uu
Letter Uu Cărți aleatorii
Letter e
Letter e Cărți aleatorii
How many 1-10
How many 1-10 Cărți aleatorii
Numbers 1-5
Numbers 1-5 Anagramă
Numbers 11-20 missing letters (activity 1)
Numbers 11-20 missing letters (activity 1) Chestionar
Possesive 's
Possesive 's Completați propoziția
Have/Has got questions
Have/Has got questions Rearanjează
Sport Speaking Cards
Sport Speaking Cards Deschide caseta
Have got/has got + negative
Have got/has got + negative Chestionar
Have got/has got
Have got/has got Completați propoziția
Have got/has got (practice 5)
Have got/has got (practice 5) Sortare în funcție de grup
Have got/ haven't got (practice 2)
Have got/ haven't got (practice 2) Chestionar
To be (he,she, I)
To be (he,she, I) Completați propoziția
Unit 7 It's windy
Unit 7 It's windy Potrivește
Prepositions of place (sentences 1)
Prepositions of place (sentences 1) Chestionar
Can it...? p. 104 practice
Can it...? p. 104 practice Chestionar
Have you got? p.86 ex.2
Have you got? p.86 ex.2 Roata aleatoare
to be or pronoun
to be or pronoun Chestionar
Can/ Cannot
Can/ Cannot Chestionar
How many? 1-5
How many? 1-5 Cărți aleatorii
Have - has
Have - has Chestionar
To be (he, she, I)
To be (he, she, I) Chestionar
A-I Roata aleatoare
Letters A-Z
Letters A-Z Cărți aleatorii
Numbers 1-5
Numbers 1-5 Deschide caseta
I've got/ I haven't got/ have I got?
I've got/ I haven't got/ have I got? Rearanjează
Can questions
Can questions Roata aleatoare
Prepositions of place (sentences 2)
Prepositions of place (sentences 2) Chestionar
What are you doing? - I'm...
What are you doing? - I'm... Chestionar
Prepositions of place (sentences 3)
Prepositions of place (sentences 3) Chestionar
Whose _____
Whose _____ Deschide caseta
TH sound
TH sound Cărți aleatorii
He/She/It/We/They _____ doing
He/She/It/We/They _____ doing Chestionar
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place Diagramă etichetată
Can sentences p. 104
Can sentences p. 104 Chestionar
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