There is a - ____ bottle... (Ima jedna boca...), There are some - ____ apples... (Ima nešto jabuka...), There isn't any - ____ milk... (Nema nimalo mlijeka...), There aren't any - ____ pears... (Nema nijedne kruške...), There is some - ____ oil... (Ima nešto ulja...), There are two - ____ potatoes... (Imaju dva krumpira...), There isn't enough - ____ pasta... (Nema dovoljno tjestenine...), There aren't many - ____ eggs... (Nema mnogo jaja...), There isn't an  - ____ onion... (Nema luka...), There are enough - ____ oranges... (Ima dovoljno naranči...), There is a lot of - ____ flour... (Ima mnogo brašna...), There is too much - ____ sugar... (Ima previše šećera...), There aren't too many - ____ strawberries... (Nema previše jagoda...), There are a few - ____ bananas... (Ima par banana...), There is a little - ____ coffee... (Ima malo kave...),

There is and there are (a, an, some, any, enough, a lot of, too much, too many, many, a few, a little)


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