1) Have you been sleeping well recently? You ... really pale. a) look b) seem 2) The pharmacist can ... you which is the best medicine to take. a) warn b) advise 3) When I ask my son what the problem is, he just ... to talk about it. a) denies b) refuses 4) Don't you think we need to ... this before we take a decision? a) argue b) discuss 5) Emily's boss ... her that if she was late for work again, she'd lose her job. a) warned b) advised 6) When the police accused Jim of the crime, he ... being there that night. a) denied b) refused 7) I love ... on the beach with a good book in summer. a) laying b) lying 8) What's ... you from applying for the job? You've got all the right qualifications. a) preventing b) avoiding 9) I was ... when I took the train home last night. a) robbed b) stolen 10) If we leave at about 6.30, we'll be able to ... the rush hour. a) prevent b) avoid 11) I don't think Marcus ... how important it is for me to have my own income. a) notices b) realizes 12) The new boss ... very friendly but I don't trust her at all. a) looks b) seems 13) The vet picked up the dog carefully and ... it on the bed. a) lay b) laid 14) Miriam is really good at table tennis. I don't think you will be able to ... her. a) win b) beat 15) It doesn't ... if you can't pay me back until next week. I don't need the money right now. a) mind b) matter 16) Did you ... how many times Ella checked her phone over dinner? a) notice b) realize 17) Does Catherine ... that you can't go to her wedding? a) mind b) matter 18) Somebody ... my wallet when I was taking a photo of Big Ben in London. a) robbed b) stole 19) Who do you think is going to ... the Champion's League t his year? a) win b) beat 20) After the floods, the water level of the river has ... by several centimetres. a) risen b) raised 21) My two sisters don't get on. They're always ... . a) arguing b) discussing 22) Have you heard? The government is ... taxes by 2% next month . a) rising b) raising

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