1) Find the words related to people a) minus b) female c) tiger d) student e) human f) paper 2) Find the words that are animals a) tiger b) spider c) horse d) raven e) dog f)  rodent 3) Find the words dealing with math a) even b) total c) silent d) never e) minus f) zero 4) Find the words that have to do with position or place. a) final b) second c) behind d) before e) never f) number 5) Find the words that mean to do something again a) present b) repeal c) rewind d) region e) repeat f) reallh 6) Find the words that have to do with illness. a) recess b) secret c) music d) fever e) petal f) virus 7) More people a) razor b) baker c) pupil d) mother e) miner f) pilot


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