She will be sick ____ she stops eating. ____ you take a taxi, you’ll still miss your plane. They can listen to music, ____ they disturb nobody. You can go out ____ you finish your homework. ____ a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to leave the room. ____ you are too tired, let’s go for a walk at the park. I can afford to have a holiday, ____ that I earn 1000 dollars a day. ____ the chores are done, we will go to the park. I will go to the prom with you, ____ you apologize. We will perform a few songs, ____ the profits go to charity. The mortgage wasn’t paid, ____ the bank foreclosed ____ you’ve purchased tickets, you won’t be able to attend the show. We will give you the money, ____ you can pay it back within six months. ____ I’d practiced longer, I would have made the shot. You won't be able to organize your days, ____ you use a calendar.


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