1) Probably, he _____ be a doctor someday.  a) are going to b) is going to c) will 2) I ____ study in Paris next year. I have everything ready.  a) will b) am going to 3) What a dark cloud! It ________ rain. a) will b) is going to c) are going to 4) I __________ travel to London next Monday. a) will b) am going to 5) They ________  buy a new car next month. a) will b) are going to 6) A: Have you decided what you ___________ do next Saturday? B. Yes! We ________ to the cinema. a) are going to b) will 7) I think Colombia soccer team ______ win the World Cup. a) will b) is going to 8) A: What are you going do tonight? B: I don't know. Maybe I ________ play videogames. a) will b) am going to 9) My family and I ________ travel to San Andrés in December. We have the tickets!! a) will b) are going to 10) In 2050, we ______ have robots in the house! a) will b) are going to 11) I think tomorrow it ________ be clear and sunny. a) will b) is going to

Will vs. Going to


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