talent - dawn, talents - doniau, finishing line - llinell derfyn, finishing lines - llinellau terfyn, effort(s) - ymdrech(ion), hare(s) - ysgyfarnog(od), pride - balchder, muscle - cyhyr, muscles - cyhyrau, nickname(s) - llysenw(au), soldier - milwr, soldiers - milwyr, distance - pellter, distances - pellterau/pellteroedd, weight lifting - codi pwysau, to achieve, to fulfil - cyflawni, to solve - datrys, to dart, to sprint - gwibio, to challenge - herio, to congratulate - llongyfarch, to defeat, to beat - trechu, triumphant - buddugol, physical - corfforol, creative - creadigol, competitive - cystadleuol, extreme - eithafol, factual - ffeithiol, steep - serth, moving at a quick pace / out of breath (him) - a'i wynt yn ei ddwrn, real - go iawn, it won't do any harm - wnaiff hynny ddim drwg, exactly - yn gwmws, there and then - yn y fan a'r lle, moving at a quick pace/out of breath (her) - a'i gwynt yn ei dwrn, moving at a quick pace/out of breath (me) - a fy ngwynt yn fy nwrn, excursion - gwibdaith, excursions - gwibdeithiau, challenge - her, challenges - heriau, favourite - ffefryn, favourites - ffefrynnau, canteen - ffreutur, gun - gwn, guns - gynnau, humidity/dampness - lleithder, self-sufficient - hunangynhaliol, determined (to) - penderfynol (o), to get rid of - cael gwared ar, to give it a go - rhoi cynnig ar,

Geirfa Uned 1 - Uwch 1


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