It is a means of transport., It's a green vegetable. , You can write with this. , Discussion where people give more opinions. , It's a noun, act of going or coming in. , If you are ... you are the first at the races. , Synonym of HAVE in the past., It's a means of transport. , It's a very cold country. , It's an activity that clowns do. , You give kicks with this sport. , It's a paper that you write for someone., Vehicle with two wheels. , It's a moment of the day. , It's a bird which lives in Africa and can't fly. , He or she flies planes., It's a kind of game that asks questions., Vehicles go on it to other parts. , It's a state of mind. , It's a Marvel character.  , It's a fantasy animal. , You put flowers on it. , You usually do this on paper. , Abbreviation for the name of the festivity where Jesus Christ was born. , What do you do when you are bored?, It's a black and white animal..


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