1) The weather ... good today: it's warm and sunny! a) is b) are c) does 2) Bob ... up at 7 o'clock. a) get b) gets c) does 3) Beth and John ... to their favourite band in the evening. a) are b) start c) listen 4) Kelly ... her teeth at 3 o'clock. a) brush b) doesn't brush c) don't brush 5) They ... musicians. a) are b) play c) sing 6) We ... horror films at night. a) doesn't watch b) watches c) don't watch 7) The films ... amazing. a) am b) is c) are 8) ... you really like your job? a) Are b) Do c) Does 9) ... it a romantic comedy? a) Is b) Does c) Watch 10) It ... classical music, it's modern. a) doesn't b) isn't c) is

Present Simple - action verbs+to be - all types of sentences


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