cloudy - gray...... weather makes me sleepy , cold - remember to wear your jacket when its....., cool - the weather isn't hot or cold its nice and ....., foggy - be careful when driving in .... weather, it can be difficult to see, freezing - There is ice on the road, It's......., hail - ...... is frozen rain, hard and white , hot - It's always .... in summer, hurricane - A ...... is a kind of large storm, with lots of rain and strong wind., lightning - ...... can kill people, it is very strong electricity from the sky., rain - I use an umbrella when it .....s, snow - I like to make a ..... man, storm - a ..... is a very bad and dark weather, sunny - I can see the sun today. Its a ..... day , thunder - can you hear that I think it's...., windy - you can see the trees and grass move when it's.....,

EC B2 M2 5C The Weather


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