1) Is the Earth's atmosphere the part that is far, far away from Earth and contains the moon? a) True b) False 2) Does the Earth travel in an orbit around the sun? a) True b) False 3) Is a planet a small object that provides its own light and heat? a) True b) False 4) Do scientists use telescopes to look at objects in the same room as them? a) True b) False 5) If you look up in the sky on a clear night, could you see constellations, or groups of stars that look like pictures? a) True b) False 6) Is an astronaut someone who travels in outer space? a) True b) False 7) Has the United States launched a rocket into space? a) True b) False 8) Are things associated with the moon called solar? a) True b) False 9) Is a new bicycle considered ancient? a) True b) False 10) Does counterclockwise move the same way as the clock does? a) True b) False 11) Would a student who is determined to get good grades do all his homework and do his best in class? a) True b) False 12) Is an inner planet closer to the sun than an outer planet? a) True b) False 13) Does major mean small or unimportant? a) True b) False 14) I am the planet on which we live. a) Mars b) Mercury c) Earth d) Pluto 15) I am known as the "Red Planet" and astronauts may be able to visit me one day. a) Earth b) Jupiter c) Mars d) Neptune 16) I am the smallest planet and closest to the sun. a) Venus b) Mercury c) Earth d) Pluto 17) People call me Earth's sister planet and the brightest planet, and I can be seen in Earth's sky. a) Venus b) Uranus c) Earth d) Neptune 18) I am the planet with big, beautiful rings. a) Saturn b) Jupiter c) Neptune d) Earth 19) I am the largest planet and have a big red spot, which is actually a storm. a) Saturn b) Jupiter c) Mars d) Venus 20) I lie on my side and I'm the only planet other than Earth not named after a Roman god. a) Jupiter b) Saturn c) Neptune d) Earth 21) This celestial body is your home-the planet on which you live. a) Mars b) Earth c) Venus d) Neptune 22) This celestial body has phases named after how much it is seen of it: new, crescent, half, and full a) sun b) constellation c) star d) moon 23) This celestial body is the only planet known to have enough water and oxygen to support life. a) Mars b) sun c) moon d) Earth 24) This celestial body is the star that allows life to survive on Earth. a) constellations b) moon c) sun d) planets 25) This celestial body has visited by astronauts from Earth a) stars b) sun c) moon d) constellations


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