Do you think music can heal sick people?, Is music good therapy?, Do you listen to song lyrics?, Is music important to you? Why/why not?, What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘sound’?, What are your favourite sounds?, Which sounds in English do you have problems with?, What’s the most annoying sound to wake up to?, What are the differences between a sound and a noise?, Can you walk around your house without making a sound?, Would you like to travel at the speed of sound?, Do you always like the sound effects when you watch a movie?, Do you like the sound of your own voice?, What sounds do you hear in bed at night?, Do you like the sound of the dentist’s drill?, Have you ever been in a band? If not, have you ever wanted to be, or dreamed of being in one?, Whose voice do you hate the sound of?, Have you ever sung karaoke? When was the last time? What's your 'go-to' song?, Which do you think sounds better, digital sound or analogue sound?, What sounds from nature do you like most?, Have you ever made a recording of your own music? singing?, Which sounds in your language do you think are difficult for foreigners?, Do you like silence? Why? When? , What noises do you like and dislike?, If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?, What do you think of noise pollution?, What noises does your computer make?, Does anyone you know have a bad habit of making noises?, Can you sleep if there’s a lot of noise going on?, Do you ever think that some music is just noise?, What is white noise and why is it white?, Have you ever complained to anyone about noise?, Do you sing in the shower? .

Sounds and Music conversation


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