first 첫째(의), second 둘째(의), third 셋째(의), fourth 넷째 (의), fifth 다섯째(의), sixth 여섯째(의), grade 학년, What grade are you in? 몇학년이니?, I'm in the sixth grade. 6학년이예요., classroom 교실, cousin 사촌, elementary 초등, floor 층, live 살다, hurry 빨리, same 같은, ukulele 우크렐레, Where is your classroom? 너의 교실은 어디니?, It’s on the [fourth] floor. 4층입니다., [My classroom] is on the [third] floor. 내 교실은 3층에 있어요., This is my [cousin]. 내 사촌입니다., Where is the [art] room? 미술교실은 어디인가요?.

I'm in the sixth grade Vocabulary Grade 6 L1 YBM Choi


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