1) Don't rush me; I need a bit of time to.............. the details of the project before I can commit to it. I'm not going to make a split-second decision, or let you rope me into something I'm not sure about. a) mull over b) wise up c) dredge up d) spur on e) pull out all the stops f) give myself a pep talk 2) The influence of social media is................ , affecting various aspects of our daily lives. I can't fathom out how so may people are so ingenuous and just jump on the band wagon because a perfect stranger said something was the bee's knees. a) rueful b) ubiquitous c) in a quandary d) conundrum e) up to speed f) going that extra mile 3) It was very ............ of me to believe that they would keep their word and give me a promotion - they had a whole host of excuses as to why not. They gave me a long spiel about not resting on my laurels and to keep trying.  a) in a quandary b) wised up c) ingenuous d) flagged up e) the extra mile f) ubiquitous 4) Before I .......... to his lies and deceit, I had given him almost half a million dollars. He seemed so squeaky clean but there's clearly more to him than meets the eye. a) dredged up b) steered clear c) chalked up d) gone the extra mile e) musings f) wised up 5) The artist's work often explores themes of............. and identity through abstract paintings. Its not my scene but he's notched up a fair few expositions around the world.  a) musings b) chalking things up to experience c) selfhood d) pondering e) going the extra mile f) pulling out all the stops 6) With a.............. tone, he fessed up to his mistake and promised to make amends. After he'd put me in the picture, I stopped harbouring a grudge and forgave him. a) ubiquitous b) ingenuous c) rueful d) throw in the towel e) in a quandary f) pep talk 7) It's not healthy to.............. the past; you should concentrate on the present and future. I can give you a few pointers about forging ahead and leaving the past in the past. a) chalk things up to experience b) flag up c) spur on d) dwell on e) peter out f) fall by the wayside 8) Why do you always have to .............my past mistakes? Can't we move on and let bygones be bygones? I can't keep going on a charm offensive to make amends for something I did years ago. a) steer clear of b) quash c) peter out d) wise up e) dredge up f) in a quandary 9) Nothing panned out as it was supposed to - I guess we'll have to ............to bad timing. There's no point going around with a face like a wet weekend a) steer clear b) dredge up c) go the extra mile d) chalk it up e) flag it up f) quash 10) The teacher gave her students a.............. before the onerous final exam to help them stay focused and calm.Teens are prone to losing it, so she had her work cut out keeping them calm. a) conundrum b) quandary c) prod d) musings e) pep talk f) fag up 11) He said the issue had been .............. at previous meetings and should not come as a surprise to staff. He went on to give them a bollocking for being so nonchalent about the sales figures. a) wised up b) in a quandary c) flagged up d) petered out e) steered clear of f) chalked up 12) Over time, my once-thriving neck of the woods began to deteriorate, and businesses started to .................... The mayor has been busting a gut to reverse the decline but to little avail.. a) flag up b) wise up c) go the extra mile d) steer clear  e) fall by the wayside f) dredge up 13) Dave ..................for his wife's 50th birthday and paid for the whole family to fly to Greece for a long weekend. They made some indelible memories together and came home smitten by Greek food. a) went the extra mile b) dredged up c) petered out d) quashed e) wised up f) was in a quandary 14) The schools were only shut for two days and the number of new covid cases quickly ............It seemed they had managed to stave off a major outbreak.  a) quashed b) petered out c) flagged up d) fell by the wayside e) wised up f) went the extra mile 15) Lisa .............. rumours that she was relinquishing control of the company and assuaged the workers' anxieties. a) quashed b) petered out c) flagged up d) wised up e) went the extra mile f) chalked things up to experience 16) I reckon you should ........alcohol if you want to make a good impression - you know how silly you get when you've had a few too many. You need to avoid pushing her buttons at all costs. a) flag up b) dredge up c) in a quandary d) chalk things up e) wise up to f) steer clear of 17) When the salesman wouldn't stop bothering us, we had to firmly ask him to ............... He finally cut us some slack and we were able to peruse the cars in peace. a) mull over b) spur himself on c) prod himself d) peter out e) fall by the wayside f) sling his hook 18) After a few months of learning the ropes, he proved that he could.............. it as a firefighter and became an essential part of the team. The fire chief made a good call when he  removed his probationary status. a) hack b) badger c) quash d) go the extra mile e) dredge up f) flag up 19) I often............ the idea of travelling the world and experiencing different cultures. I'm so done with living inside my parents' pockets, and need to stretch my wings. a) quash b) ponder c) dredge up d) sling my hook e) peter out f) fall by the wayside 20) The school administration deemed it necessary to take swift action to ............ the rumours circulating about a potential threat. I'd wager they paid out some hush money to several people. a) flag up b) musings c) quash d) dredge up e) go the extra mile f) be in a quandary 21) She had been trying to teach her cat tricks for weeks, but when it refused to cooperate, she.............. and gave up.The cat was relieved and went back to stretching out, legs akimbo. a) pulled out all the stops b) threw in the towel c) badgered d) went the extra mile e) fell by the wayside f) dwelled 22) He was a procrastinator, so his boss had to.......... him into meeting his deadlines. He was prone to pottering around the office or lolling at his desk. a) wise up b) chalk it up c) prod d) hack e) forge f) dredge 23) The chef decided to................. for the special anniversary dinner, creating a gourmet feast. The portions were humungous and everyone was satiated well before the desserts arrived.  a) prod himself b) up to speed c) spur himself on d) pull out all the stops e) peter out f) ponder 24) She successfully......... her partner into trying the new restaurant in town, and they ended up loving it. The food was top notch, with especially moreish desserts. a) slung her hook b) quashed c) went the extra mile d) mulled over e) badgered f) flagged up 25) She read several books to get.............. on the history of the region before her trip. By the time she went gallivanting, she knew all the ins and outs of where to visit and what to eat. a) in a quandary b) musings c) thrown in the towel d) ingenuous e) rueful f) up to speed 26) A friendly......... from the professor encouraged the student to ask oodles of discerning questions during the lecture.  a) nudge b) badger c) quash d) ubiquitous e) pull out all the stops f) conundrum 27) Kate spent the whole night scribbling down her latest ............ on what had been going on in her life. After 4 hours of reflection, she felt more mellow and conked out on the sofa. a) ingenuous b) musings c) chalk things up to experience d) dredge up e) quash f) petering out 28) After years of dedicated............. , they decided to take the next step and tie the knot. They were hell-bent on having a simple ceremony without all the normal wedding paraphernalia.  a) conundrum b) coupledom c) quandary d) ubiquitous e) rueful f) pep talk 29) In the meeting, he raised a................. issue that required immediate attention from the group. They put their heads together and quickly fathomed out how to forge ahead. a) ubiquitous b) ingenuous c) pertinent d) wise up e) flag up f) rueful 30) The challenging hike was gruelling, but the mesmerising views along the way............. us on to reach the summit. a) badgered b) prodded c) forged d) flagged e) spurred f) dredged 31) The.............. of climate change requires global cooperation to find effective solutions. It's of paramount importance that we are all genned up on what measures need to be taken. a) ubiquitous b) hack c) pertinent d) musings e) throw in the towel f) conundrum 32) Having been informed of the dearth of good restaurants in their neck of the woods, he was in a ...............about where to take her for their first date. It all panned out and the romantic bistro he chose went down a treat. a) ingenuous b) musings c) quash d) quandary e) dredge up f) wise up

Advice to younger self


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