perseverance - James managed to finish the difficult mountain hike through sheer _____ ., property tax - The government raised the rate of _____ in order to increase the country's revenue., relief - Frank felt a huge sense of _____ after passing the exams, as he was sure he had failed., provision - The council's _____for the city's homeless has been criticized for being barely adequate., quibbling over - Greta told her kids off for _____ who could have the remote control., waffle - The tutor told her students not to _____ in their essays and to write clearly and concisely., yammering - Mary was _____ about something but nobody could make sense of what she was saying., muttermutter - Luke has a tendency to _____ when he speaks and is hard to understand at the best of times., aired - When the moon landing _____ in 1969 65 million viewers worldwide turned in to watch it., hitch - Overall the presentation went well, despite the minor technological _____ at the beginning when my laptop wouldn't start., without a hitch - Despite us thinking that holding the event would have some problems, it went _____ ., ditches - The field would have flooded where it not for the _____ that had been dug around its edges., pitch - The soccer game had to be called off because the _____ was waterlogged., stitches - The tailor fixed the hole in Kate’s coat with a patch of fabric attached with several _____., lengthened - Paula's new trousers were too short, so she took them to the tailor to have them _____., expanded - The shop’s _____ range of products attracted a wider customer base., extended - The film is 2 hours long and there is an _____ version that’s even longer, lasting over three hours., prolonged - Renato's grandfather was suffering from a _____ illness for a number of years, but thankfully he's healthy again., credible - The judge dismissed the witness’s evidence on the grounds that it was not _____ ., susceptible - Days with a high pollen count can be an aggravating factor for those _____ to hay fever., gullible - Andrew is very _____ ; he's easily persuaded to believe anything, no matter how far-fetched.,

Stars and Stripes ECPE Skills Builder 1.b (p.8+9) part 1


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