1) The 5th of November is Guy Fawkes Night. This holiday is also known as Bonfire Night as lighting bonfires is an essential part of the __________________. (CELEBRATE) a) celebrating b) celebration c) celebrasion d) celebratiness e) celebtaty f) celebrated 2) __________________, it’s one of the favourite holidays for children – they simply can’t miss the firework display. (NATURAL) a) naturelly b) naturely c) naturaly d) unnatural e) naturally f) innatural 3) Most parents allow their children to stay outdoors till late at night. It would be __________________ to make them stay at home when the sky is lit up with colours. (FAIR) a) fairful b) unfair c) disfair d) fairly e) infair f) fairous 4) However, children should never be left on their own - bonfires and fireworks are potentially __________________. (DANGER) a) dangerious b) dangerful c) undanger d) indager e) dangery f) dangerous 5) Emergency reports say the number of people needing medical care increases on this night. Some of them are __________________ with fire. (CARE) a) careless b) careful c) carefully d) uncare e) incare f) careous 6) In spite of the excitement, the children may also catch a cold on this November night. Warm jumpers, coats and gloves are more __________________ than ever. (USE) a) useless b) usefull c) useness d) user e) useful f) unuse 7) As a child, Steven lived in a village. Outside the village there was a house where a strange old woman and her granddaughter Eliza lived. The __________________ often played together. (CHILD) a) child's b) children c) childhood d) children's e) childs f) childran 8) One day, Eliza __________________ unusually sad. When Steven was about to leave, the old woman said, “I know you are friends. But never come to our house again. Never ever!” (BE) a) is b) have been c) was d) were e) did f) are 9) The girl took the boy to the gate. “Will you miss me?” she asked. The boy said, “Yes, I will!” To his surprise, the girl said, “But I won’t! I __________________ to see you anymore!” She closed the gate. (NOT WANT) a) didn't want b) doesn't want c) won't want d) wasn't want e) didn't wanted f) don't want 10) The next day the girl __________________ for the city.  (LEAVE) a) left b) will leave c) would leave d) had left e) was leaving f) leaved 11) Steven was upset but he hoped that one day he __________________ Eliza again. (SEE) a) seeing b) saw c) will see d) would see e) seed f) was seeing 12) Five years later Steven became a student and moved to the city. He rented a small apartment on the __________________ floor. (ONE) a) ferst b) first c) ones d) second e) third f) frist 13) One day, when he __________________ to the university, he saw Eliza. She was sitting on the bench in the park with an ice-cream in her hand. He ran up to her and said “Hello! It’s nice to see you again!” (WALK) a) walked b) walking c) had walked d) was waked e) wolked f) was walking 14) But Eliza looked up at __________________, stood up and walked away. (HE) a) him b) his c) himself d) himselves e) hem f) her 15) “I wish I __________________ what is going on,” Steven said to himself, and decided to start his own investigation. (KNOW) a) will know b) know c) knowed d) knew e) knowing f) was known

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