Greeting: Dear … ,, Hi …, , Hello …,, Thanking person; news; sympathy: It was very kind of you to send me … , Thanks very much for…, Thanks again for …, I must tell you about …, I’ve just come back from …, I’m sorry to hear that …, It’s great to hear from you., Replying questions: Last week I went/visited/saw …, It was fantastic/terrible, because ... , Inviting a person: I hope you can make it, Would you like to come? , It would be lovely to ..., Let me know if/when ... , Closing an email: I must be going now., That’s all for now., Look forward to seeing you., Hope to see you soon., Write soon!, Saying bye: Bye 4 now, …, Love, …, Best wishes, ..., Linkers: However, ..., Actually, ..., ..., despite , First, ..., Then, Later, After that, ...., Meanwhile, Suddenly, ..., finally, In the end, Eventually, Afterwards ..., Telling about your city: The city where I live is ..., ... it can get crowded, There are loads of ..., I'd recommend + Ving ,

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