1) We _________ pizza yesterday a) eated b) ate c) eats 2) Daniel ___________ his jeans at that store a) bought b) buys c) buyed 3) I __________ Amy after school last friday a) meets b) meeted c) met 4) Mr. Perez _____________ us Geography last year. a) teached b) taught c) teaches 5) Mom _______________ a cake last week a) made b) makes c) maked 6) He ________________ to the library a) went b) goed c) goes 7) He _____________ Simone at the bus stop a) mets b) met c) meeted 8) They _____________________  a birthday gift for their friend Hugo. a) found b) finds c) finded 9) Cristiano _______________ train tickets for Monterrey. a) Getted b) Geted c) Got 10) They ______________ lunch at the Green Café yesterday. a) had b) haved c) has 11) We _________ after the bus, this morning. a) runned b) run c) ran 12) She _____________ a loud noise coming from the mountains. a) herds b) heard c) ear 13) During summer vacations I ______________ in the pool. a) swam b) swim c) swum 14) The man ___________ his house for more than a million. a) sold b) selling c) solling 15) My friend _____________ a unicorn for my birthday. a) give b) gave c) giving 16) My parents _______________ home very late, last night. a) came b) come c) cume 17) I ____________ a big bird from my window. a) say b) see c) saw 18) Lisa ___________ an airplane to Africa. a) taak b) took c) take 19) I _____________ a lot of water during my gym class. a) drunk b) drink c) drank 20) My father _____________ I was watching t.v. a) thought b) tough c) think 21) He ___________ how to make a vanilla cake. a) know b) knew c) new 22) My teacher ____________ to sit down. a) tell b) told c) telling 23) I ___________ very sad when my cat died. a) felt b) feel c) feeling 24) Tom _________ down from the bicycle. a) fall b) foll c) fell

Grade 5 irregular verbs


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