: Do you know if it's hot outside?, Yeah, it's ... hot., That spider's so big., Yeah, it's ... That concerns me a little., Are you tired?, Are you kidding me?! I'm ...!, It's -27 and snowing. Same as usual., Yeah, it's pretty ..., It's worth it, the view's beautiful., Totally, it's ..., And guess what, he's very unhappy living on his own., No way! He must be ..., Oh, that's too bad! I'm so hungry., Seriously? I'm ... too., She looks so good. Don't you think?, Yeah, she looks ..., By the way, I'm afraid of the dark., I'm also ..., I'm so happy!, I'm ... too! I can't believe that., Look, the kitten is so small., Yeah, it's ..., The Taj Mahal is a beautiful building., Absolutely! It's ...,


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