addition - another, more, further, advance - progress, advanced - modern, high level, advertising - ways of attracting people to buy something, among other - including other things, analysis - examination, analyst - examiner, analyze - examine, appear - seem, appearance - way something looks, (v) approach - deal with, approach (n) - method, as - while, when, at least - if nothing else, as much as, average - ordinary, usual, be responsible for - be in charge of, before - preceding the time, besides - except for, can - modal , sometimes happening, challenge - obstacle, difficulty, chance - risk, change - exchange in shop; money; new experience; climate change, characteristic - feature, characterize - having a special quality, claim - to state, argue, come after/first - follow, next, before, common - shared, complicated - not simple, complicate - cause problems, concern - relate to,


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