1. Susan can speak Spanish ____ Arabic. She can speak Spanish AS WELL AS Arabic 2. I work as a doctor ____ I can´t do an operation. I work as a doctor, HOWEVER, I can´t do an operation. 3. Rick is in his house or in school. He is in his house ____ in school 4. My brother plays the guitar and the piano ____. He ____ the guitar and ALSO the piano My name is Shylah Padave and I´m 25 years old. I am from Australia and I´m a photographer but ____ I work as a DJ in the weekends. My family is from India and I can speak English ____ Hindi, but I can´t speak other languages. I´m always interested in people, celebrations and ____ different cultures. These are the themes of my photos. In my free time I like to meet my friends and stay with my family, ____, I often just stay in my house watching movies and series. I don´t start work very early, but I ____ wake up at 7 am to ____ my breakfast. I go to work every day at 10 am. I ____ my life. ____ is my brother, Miguel. He ____ 22 years old and he´s in his 1st job. He is a graphic designer ____ a student. We live together in a small apartment. Our apartment is very small ____ is very comfortable and nice. Miguel ____ all night, so I often ____ the place just for me. The only problem is that he ____ all the time. BUT HE CAN´T ____! It´s irritating. Anyway, I love my brother!

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