1) ............ sea food is healthy for you. a) to eat b) eating 2) I can’t stand ...... garlic. a) eating b)  to eat 3) Sue decided .......... lamb chops. a)  to order b) ordering 4) Dad bought some meat ...... steeak for dinner. a) cooking b) to cook 5) I look forward to ....... these apple pies. a) trying b) try 6) Kate suggested ...... pizza for everybody. a)  ordering b) to order 7) I’d prefer ....... chicken with rice. a)  have b) to have 8) Do you deny ...... the money? Yes or no? a) stealing  b) to steal 9) I refuse ...... that there’s no other way out. a) accepting  b) to accept 10) The kids were pretending ..... fast asleep. a) to be b) being 11) I’m really looking forward to .... away. a) go  b) going 12) What would you like ..... now? a)  to do b) doing 13) How did you manage ...... her to come? a)  persuading b) to persuade 14) They’ve run out of petrol and have to stop ....... some. a) to buy b) buying 15) I’ve just finished ...... the novel. a)  to read b) reading 16) This medicine didn’t help. Try ..... an aspirin. a)  to take b) taking 17) I’d like ...... a mixed salad,please. a)  to have b) having 18) I really enjoy ..... pineapple. a)  to eat b) eating 19) How about ..... an omlet? a) making b) to make 20) Do you mind ..... your car ,please? a)  to move b) moving

9 Starlight M2 Gerund or Infinitive


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