Which would you rather have: $1,000.000 today or 1 cent doubled every day for 30 days? Why? , Would you rather be the boss or employee? Why?, If you could have only one super power, what would it be? Why?, Describe yourself in 5 words., If you could give every person a gift in the world what would it be' Why?, If you were President & had to have 3 peple to assist you, who would you pick and why?, If you could set one rule for the family that we all have to follow, what would it be? Why?, Where would you live, if you could pick anywhere in the world? Why?, When do you feel a teen becomes an adult? Why?, Describe what a perfect day would be from the moment you wkae until bed?, If you could change anything in the world, what 3 things would it be? Why?, If you could eat dinner with 3 people you don´t know, who would it be and where would you go?, What´s the best invention you´ve seen most recently and what do like about it?, What makes your family amazing?, What are 3 things you´re grateful for?, What do you feel are the most important things to living a great life?, If we lost everything we owned today but could keep 3 things, what would you keep and why?, What is the hardest job in the world and why?, Name 3 things that makes you truly happy?, If you were told you would live forever, what would you change about your life?, How would you explain the word "LOVE" to someone without using the word "love"?.

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