1) I always … up at half past 7  a) go b) get c) gets 2) My sister usually ...in the evenings a) study b) studys c) studies 3) School always … at eight o'clock a) start b) starts 4) My dad sometimes … TV in the morning a) watch b) washes c) watches 5) I always … dressed at 7 o'clock a) do b) get c) gets 6) Karen never … her homework before 8 p.m a) do b) does c) has 7) You … fast! a) eat b) eats 8) We usually … breakfast at nine o'clock a) has b) do c) have 9) My dad always … ready for work at 8 o'clock a) gets b) get c) does 10) The lessons usually … at 3 o'clock a) finish b) finishes 11) My cousin … in London a) leaves b) live c) lives 12) Tina and Lisa always … their mum in the kitchen a) help b) helps 13) We always … to school together a) goes b) go 14) Tom never … his teeth in the morning a) brush b) does c) brushes 15) My mum … in the office a) works b) work c) live 16) On Saturday my sister never … up before 10 o'clock a) get b) goes c) gets 17) Our English lessons … in the morning a) always are b) are always 18) My cat … hungry a) is always b) always is

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