1) What does funny mean? a) Made up of laughter, fun, or humor b) Made up c) Made up of Mrs. Lucas jokes 2) What does creamy mean? a) characterized by being made with cream or thick and smooth b) made up of milk c) made up stuff d) who knows brah 3) What does grouchy mean? a) Students before a test b) Students when asked to do work c) characterized by complaining about things or having a bad temper d) Mrs. Lucas before a meeting e) made up of anger 4) What does touchy mean? a) made up fingers b) characterized by finger length c) characterized by easily hurting or upset by things that people say about you 5) What does fruity mean? a) something made entirely of fruit b) characterized by tasting or smelling like fruit c) made up of fruit pieces 6) What does noisy mean? a) this class right now b) made up of noise c) characterized by making a lot of noise 7) What does messy mean? a) Everyone knows who's desk in this classroom b) characterized by not being clean or not being careful c) made up of a mess of things 8) What does quickly mean? a) how kids come to the carpet in this class JK b) in a fast quick manner c) sloth speed d) to wonder fastly 9) What does hourly mean? a) every 60 minutes b) characterized by time c) act or during every hour 10) What does appropriately mean? a) right or suited for some purpose b) characterized by appropriate c) made up of right angles 11) What does fluently mean? a) characterized by the flu b) something done in a smooth manner 12) What does excessively mean? a) screaming kids b) being too much c) characterized by excess energy 13) What does gingerly mean? a) characterized by ginger b) gingerbread man c) very careful 14) What does inwardly mean? a) in a way that's not open b) going inside c) characterized by ward

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