1) ___ your parents like listening to music? Yes, ______. a) Do... they does. b) Does.... they does. c) Do.... they do. d) Are.... they are. e) Is..... he is. f) Am...... we am. 2) I´m going to France. a) How long will you be there? b) Where do you live? c) What is it like? d) I don´t think so. e) I would love to! f) I don´t mind. 3) My dad´s got the day off, so he __________ (not work) today. He´s at home. a) doesn´t working b) don´t work c) doesn´t work d) isn´t working e) isn´t work f) didn´t work 4) In some gardens, you have to open this to walk in. a) door b) window c) garage d) grass e) gate f) wall 5) When we sleep, we put our head on this. a) blanket b) carpet c) pillow d) cushion e) cupboard f) cooker 6) We need to buy milk. We have very ______ left. a) few b) little c) small d) much e) many f) big 7) Do you have _____ tomatoes? a) some b) no c) any d) something e) anything f) nothing 8) What is Becky doing? I ________ (think) she ________ (listen) to music. She ________ (love) her new iPad. a) am thinking, is listening, is loving b) think, listens, loves c) think, is listening, loves d) thinks, is listening, is loving e) think, listens, is loving f) am think, is listening, loves 9) Ben can´t wear these trousers because they are _____ short. They aren´t ______________. a) enough, too long b) too, longest  c) enough, enough long d) too, long enough e) very, too long f) don´t know 10) What time is it? a) It´s twenty past one b) It´s quarter past two c) It´s fifteen past two d) It´s fifteen to one e) It´s quarter to two 11) Let´s meet ___ Sunday ___ half past one. a) in, on b) on, at c) in, at d) at, at e) on, in f) on, on 12) My little brother ______ (build) this sandcastle. He _____ (find) a picture of it in the Internet. a) builded, finded b) builds, finds c) Built, finded d) builded, found e) buit, found 13) This is the place where we can borrow books a) bookshop b) Internet c) library d) my friend e) bookshelf f) school 14) I _____ (try) to call you yesterday. What _____you _______ (do) at 5 o´clock? a) Tried, did b) was trying, was doing c) try, did d) tried, were doing e) tried, was doing f) were trying, were doing 15) My sister enjoys ________________ (go) to the theatre. a) to go b) going c) went d) will go e) is going f) are going 16) I would like _______ (visit) England one day. a) to visit b) visiting c) visit d) is visiting e) visited f) will visit 17) Where _______________(you go) on holidays next summer? a) will you go b) are you going c) do you go d) did you go e) you went f) you goes 18) If he ____________ (study) a lot, he ____________(pass) his exam. a) studies, passes b) will study, will pass c) studies, will pass d) will study, passes e) study, will pass f) study, pass 19) If you feel ________, you should stay _____ home. a) happy, in b) happy, at c) sick, in d) sick, at e) thirsty, in f) temperature, at 20) I _________(lose) my key, so I can´t enter my house. a) lost b) losed c) have lost d) has lost e) will lose f) is losing


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