play --- piano/quitar/violin - play the piano/quitar/violin - играть на пианино/гитаре/скрипке, at --- same time - at the same time - в то же время, on --- train - on the train - на поезде, at --- seaside - at the seaside - на морском побережье, in --- country - in the country - в сельской местности, in --- past/future - in the past/future - в прошлом/в будущем, at --- moment - at the moment - в данный момент, for --- time being - for the time being - в настоящее время, in --- original - in the original - в оригинале, on --- whole - on the whole - в общем, on --- one hand/other hand - on the one hand/other hand - с одной стороны/с другой стороны, --- other day - the other day - в другой день, --- day after tomorrow - the day after tomorrow - послезавтра, --- day before yesterday - the day before yesterday - позавчера, in --- morning/evening/afternoon - in the morning/evening/afternoon - утром/вечером/днём, in --- daytime - in the daytime - днём(в дневное время), at --- weekend - at the weekend - в выходные, at --- end of/in --- end - at the end of/in the end - в конце концов/в конце, in --- singular/in --- plural - in the singular/in the plural - в единственном числе/во множественном числе, by --- way - by the way - кстати, just --- same - just the same - всё равно, out of --- question - out of the question - вне вопроса, to tell --- truth - to tell the truth - говорить правду, to tell --- time - to tell the time - сказать время, in --- dark - in the dark - в темноте, in --- rain/sun - in the rain/sun - под дождём/на солнце, in --- shade - in the shade - в тени, on --- safe side - on the safe side - на безопасной стороне, on --- spot - on the spot - на месте, to swim in --- sea - to swim in the sea - плавать в море, to keep --- house - to keep the house - содержать дом,
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