1) Надень свою шляпу! a) Put on my hat! b) Put on your jacket! c) Put on your hat! 2) Сними свою куртку! a) Put on jacket! b) Put on your jacket! c) Take off your jacket! 3) Надень свои шорты! a) Put on your shorts! b) Take off your shorts! c) Put on your short! 4) Надень своё пальто! a) Put on your jacket! b) Put on your coat! c) Take off your coat! 5) Надень свои зелёные шорты и чёрное пальто! a) Put on your black shorts and green coat! b) Put on your green shorts and black jacket! c) Take off your green shorts and black coat! d) Put on your green shorts and black coat! 6) Сними свои красную куртку и серую шляпу! a) Put on your red jacket and grey hat! b) Take off your red jackets and grey hats! c) Take off your red jacket and grey hat! d) Put on my blue jacket and grey hat! 7) Сегодня жарко. Я ношу свои зелёные шорты. a) It's hot today. I wearing my green shorts. b) It's hot today. I'm wearing my green shorts. c) It's hot today. I'm my green shorts. d) It's hot today. I'm wear my green shorts. 8) Смотри! Он носит свою синюю куртку! a) Look! She's wearing her blue jacket! b) Listen! He's wearing his white jacket! c) Look! He's wearing his blue coat! d) Look! He's wearing his blue jacket! 9) Смотри! Она носит своё красное пальто! a) Look! She's wearing her red coat! b) Look! He's wearing his red coat! c) Look! He's wearing his red jacket! d) Look! She's wearing her red jacket! 10) Сегодня солнечно! Что мы можем поделать? a) It's hot today! What can we do? b) It's sunny today! What can they do? c) It's sunny today! What can we do? d) It's raining today! What can we do? 11) Сегодня дождливо! Посмотри на нашу лодку! a) It's raining today! Look at our boat! b) It's raining today! Look at your boat! c) It's sunny today! Look at our boat! d) It's rain today! Look at our boat! 12) Какая погода? Жарко! a) What's the weather like? It's warm! b) What's the weather like? It's cold! c) What's the weather like? It's raining! d) What's the weather like? It's hot!

Spotlight 2 Module 4 13a My holidays - practice p. 98-101


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