Analyze - To break material down into segments and determine how the parts relate to one another and to the overall structure or purpose of the text(s), Compare - Indicates similarities between two or more ideas, objects, concepts, and other elements from a text, Contrast - Indicates differences between two or more ideas, objects, concepts, and other elements from a text, Demonstrate - To evident or prove, Describe - Adding details about the appearance, nature, and/or attributes of elements or ideas in literary or informational text using vivid language and textual evidence, Explain - To make clear by describing in more detail or giving relevant facts or ideas, Inference - A conclusion logically drawn from presented information and context clues, Interpret - Understand and explain the meaning of a topic, Persuade - A type of speech or written communication that develops or debates a topic in a logical, persuasive, or argumentative way , Summarize - Shorten a text to its general theme(s) and/or major points, Text features - Nonfiction features, as well as graphics, informational, and organizational aids (ie: bold print, italics, maps, charts, labels, headings), Tone - The author’s attitude reflected in the style of the written word, Author’s purpose - The motive or reason for which an author writes, as to entertain, inform, or persuade, Central idea - The main idea, Character - Individuals represented in a drama or story; can be human, animal, or humanized objects, Clarify - To make the meaning more transparent and easy to understand , Context - The parts of a written or spoke statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing the meaning or effect, Evaluate - To make judgements about the value of ideas, purposes, or claims of a text or story, Plot - The events and actions of a story: exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution, Setting - The general place, historical time, and social circumstances, in which action occurs in a story or play,


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