What was my favorite thing to do growing up?, What did I want to be when I grew up?, What scared me when I was a kid?, Who was my favorite teacher when I was in school?, What is my favorite childhood memory?, What is my first memory?, What was my first pet?, What trendy thing did I wear as a teenager that I want no one to know about now?, What was my favorite flavor of ice cream growing up?, What was my favorite book as a kid?, Which of my parents did I think was stricter?, Have I ever failed a subject in school?, When did I get in the most trouble as a kid?, What is my most embarrassing moment from growing up?, What is something I learned about our family while I was growing up?, Which family member was I most likely to hang out with growing up?, Whom did I look up to as a kid?, Of all our family, who has a personality that is similar to mine?, Who do people say I look like in our family?, Do I share any weird talents or tricks with anyone else in the family?, If you had to live with me in old age, what would be our biggest challenge?, If I had to share a lottery prize with one other family member, who would I choose?, What other family member knows the most secrets about me?, What other family member knows the most secrets about me?, Who do I call when something funny happened to me?, Which family member do I call when I need practical advice?, What is the kindest thing I've done for a family member?, If I had to share a bedroom with one family member, who would I choose?, Which family member would I haunt first if I were a ghost?, Which family member has dared me to do something crazy, and who made the dare?, Which family member would I choose to go with me to a scary movie?, Do I fit the stereotypes about my birth order in our family?, How do I feel about spending time together as a family?, If I came with a warning label, what would it say on it?, How do I answer the phone when my mom calls?, What is the strangest thing I've ever given a family member as a gift?, What is the dumbest way I've hurt myself?, What is the worst food I've ever eaten, and who cooked it?, If I were the opposite gender for a day, what would I do first?, What word do I hate the sound of?, What is the weirdest text you've ever gotten from me?, What is our weirdest family tradition?, What's the best practical joke I've pulled on a family member?, If I could snoop on one family member's phone and never get caught, who would I pick?, Do I like the toilet paper rolled over or under?, What do I think is the best thing about being part of this family?, What do I think is the biggest challenge our family has faced?, Do I believe in the supernatural?, Of all our ancestors, whom would I most like to meet?, What is my proudest accomplishment so far?, What was my favorite age to be so far?, If I could spend one day with a family member who is gone, who would it be?, Which of my personality traits has been the most troublesome for me in life?, Which of my personality traits do you admire the most?, How would I describe my family to a stranger?, What is my favorite family tradition?, How important is it to me to stay in regular contact with my family?, If I had one wish for my family, what would it be?, If I were to predict our family's future, what would I say?, If I could plan the perfect family meal, what would we be eating?, If we were ordering a pizza, what would I want on mine?, Can I eat more than you can?, If we were going on a family picnic and I packed it, what would be in our picnic basket?, What is my ultimate comfort food?, If you were going to make me a burrito, what toppings would you put on it?, If you had to compare me to a food, what food would it be?, What is my favorite kind of pie at holiday meals?, What toppings do I like on a hot dog?, What is the most food you've ever seen me eat at one sitting?, What is my favorite thing to have for breakfast?, What food do I make well?, What position do I sleep in?, Have I ever walked in my sleep?, If someone isn't feeling well, what is my advice?, Do I have any scars, and do you know how I got them?, Do I have any tattoos, and when did I get them? If I had where would I make them?, When I'm in a bad mood, is it easy to tell?, What household chore do I struggle with?, What makes me happy when I'm having a bad day?, How old was I when I got my first cell phone?, Have I ever stolen anything?, Am I a good driver?, Would I change my name if I could?, Do I have a nickname, and how did I get it?, Do I sleep in pajamas, a nightgown, or something else?, What time do I usually wake up?, Who was the last person to see me cry about something?, Do I get carsick or seasick?, What is my favorite family vacation we've taken?, If I could set up a vacation for our whole family, where would we be going?, What is my least favorite travel method?, Which family member would I choose to go with me to a Broadway play?, If I had to share the back seat on a long road trip with anyone in the family, who would I choose?, If I could pick one family member and take them anywhere in the world, where would we go?, If we were on a road trip, would I be able to change a flat tire?, What do I do if we become lost in a city we don't know?, What is someplace I wish I could travel but never have?, Do I make the travel plans or leave that to another family member?, What is the funniest thing that ever happened to me on a family vacation?.


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