我希望你做得很好。 - I hope you're doing well., 我想解释一下为什么我昨天没能和你说话。 - I wanted to explain why I wasn’t able to talk to you yesterday., 不幸的是,我感觉不舒服。 - Unfortunately, I wasn’t feeling well., 在过去的几天里,我一直在经历剧烈的头痛和轻微的发烧。 - For the past few days, I've been experiencing a terrible headache and a slight fever., 此外,我的喉咙很痛,说话或吞咽都很困难。 - Additionally, my throat was sore, making it hard to speak or swallow., 为了让自己感觉更好,我决定从一切中休息一下,专注于休息。 - To make myself feel better, I decided to take a break from everything and focus on resting., 我一整天都喝了大量的水和凉茶,以保持水分并舒缓喉咙。 - I drank plenty of water and herbal tea throughout the day to stay hydrated and soothe my throat., 此外,我服用了一些非处方药来退烧和缓解头痛。 - Moreover, I took some over-the-counter medication to reduce the fever and alleviate the headache., 我也确保有足够的睡眠,因为休息对恢复至关重要。 - I also made sure to get enough sleep, as rest is essential for recovery., 到一天结束时,我开始感觉好一点,但我知道我仍然需要更多的时间来完全恢复。 - By the end of the day, I was starting to feel a bit better, but I knew I still needed more time to fully recover., 为了防止将来出现类似的情况,每天多喝水,保持身体水分充足,免疫系统强壮。 - In order to prevent getting into a similar situation in the future, drink plenty of water every day to keep your body hydrated and your immune system strong., 在饮食中加入水果和蔬菜,以获得必要的维生素和矿物质。还要定期洗手,避免触摸面部,以防止感染。 - Include fruits and vegetables in your diet to get the necessary vitamins and minerals also wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face to prevent infections., 我希望你能发现这些建议很有用,并保持健康。 - I hope you find these tips useful and that you stay healthy., 谢谢你的理解,我看着 - Thank you for understanding, and I look, 期待尽快与您联系。 - forward to catching up with you soon.,
Informal Email-sickness Y8-SAMPLE
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