s (books) - more than one; verb or adverb form, ing (running) - doing something; related to, ed (landed) - in the past; having, ate (operate)) - state of; quality of; to make, less (useless)) - without, not, ness (kindness) - state of; condition of, ic / ish / al (classic / vanish / personal) - like, related to, ist (artist) - person who does, est (biggest) - the most, ism (realism) - state of; action of, ful (careful) - full of, er (personal) - person connected with; more, or (inventor) - person connected with, age (courage) - act of; state of, le (tackle) - verb; adjective; or noun form, tion / sion  (action / extension) - act of, result of, state of , tive / sive (attentive / expensive) - act of; quality of ,

Unit 2 Suffixes


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