What is your favourite holiday or festival? Christmas? Easter? Diwali? Eid? Tet? How do you celebrate?  , What is your favourite holiday food? Why? , What is your least favourite holiday food? Why? , Have you ever celebrated Christmas? What did you do? , Have you ever given or received a Christmas gift? What was it? , Have you ever decorated a Christmas Tree? Or decorated for a cultural event? What was it? , How will you spend Christmas this year? , What is your best childhood holiday memory? , Have you ever worn traditional clothes for a holiday or festival? Do you have a photo to share? , Have you ever had a holiday disaster? What happened? , What is your favourite season? Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Why? , If you could go anywhere in the world for the Christmas holiday, where would you go?, How do you celebrate New Year's Eve? Do you have any photos? , How do you say Merry Christmas in your language? , How do you say Happy New Year in your language? .

Social Hour- Holiday & Festivals


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