port - to carry (transport, porter), form - to shape (formation, formula), tract - to pull (tractor, traction), rupt - to break (interrupt, erupt), spect, spec - to see, to watch (spectator, spectrum), struct, stru - to build (construct, structure), dict, dic - to tell, to say (dictate, predict), flec, flex - to bend (flexible, reflect), cred - to believe (credible, discredit), aqua - water (aquarium, aquaplane), pel, puls - to drive, push (propel, impulse), fact, fac - to make, to do (factory, facilitate), ject - to throw, to throw down (inject, reject), vert, vers - to turn (reverse, vertigo), mit, mis - to send (missile, transmit), mort - to die (mortuary, mortal), script, scrib - to write (scribble, description), junct - to join (junction, conjunction), cide - to kill, a killer (suicide, homocide), press - to force, squeeze (compress, express), spire - to breathe (respiration, inspire), grad, gress - to step (graduate, regress), cept, capt - to take, seize, receive (capture, intercept), micro - small (microscope, microgram), macro - large (macrobiotic, macroeconomics), graph - to write (autograph, telegraph), tele - distant, far (telescope, telepathic), photo - light (photograph, photocopier), chron - time (chronological, synchonized), phobia - fear, intense dislike (arachnophobia, zoophobia), zoo - animal (zoology, zoological),

Roots and Bases and their meanings


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