1) All the following are from the waste materials are produced by your bod, except .... a) urine b) oxygen gas c) carbon dioxide d) sweat 2) The organ which is responsible for secreting insulin hormone is the a) gallbladder b) pancreas c) liver d) stomach 3) magnet can be made of a) copper b) glass c) iorn d) plastic 4) the normal heart has a ..... which creates electrical current that cause the heart to a) natural pacemaker _stop b) natural pacemaker _contract  c) artificial pacemaker _stop d) artificial pacemaker _contract  5) people who suffer from diabetes can use the insulin pump device that inject, the body automatically with...... a) sugar b) water c) insulin d) carbohydrate 6) the source of electricity in any electric circuit may be .... a) metal wire b) switch c) battery  d) an electric lamp 7) in a ......., the electric current can flow through different branches. a) series circuit b) parallel circuit c) resistor d) microwave  8) when the switch is turned off, it ........... the circuit, so the electric current........... a) open,will flow through  b) open,will not flow through  c) close,will pass through  d) close,will not pass through  9) .......... are used to stop the flow of electricity  a) Resistors b) Electric conductors c) Electric insulators d) Galvanometers 10) Engineers design special devices to work instead of ......... organ which filter the blood from waste materials a) stomach b) heart c) kidney d) lung


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