Prophet Muhammad (SAW) - Who was the last Prophet?, Makkah, Saudi Arabia - Which city did he live in?, More than ourselves. - How much should you love the Prophet?, salalahu alayhi wa salam - What you should say when you hear or read his name?, Patient, kind, nice, honest and wise. - Tell us about the manners of Muhammad (SAW), Abdullah and Amina - Who were the prophet's parents, Muhammad ibn Abdullah - what is the full name of Prophet?, Abdul Muttalib - What was his grand father name?, Abu Talib, Hamza and Al-Abbas - Who was his uncle?, Ali ibn Abu talib, Jafar ibn Abu talib and Abdullah ibn Abbas and others. - Who were some of his cousins?, Quraysh - What was the tribe name?, Haleemah as sadiyyah - Who took care of him when he was young?, Shepherd - What was his first job, Merchant - what was his second job, Yes, they trusted him and called him As sadiq al Ameen. - Did people trust PRophet Muhammad (SAW) and what did they call him,

Prophet Muhammad PBUH-Y2


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