hypo - under, hyper - over, im/in - not, milli - thousand, fore - front, rupt - to burst/break, hypoallergenic  - unlikely to cause an allergic reaction , hyposensitive  - decreased sensitivity to anything involving the sense, hypochondriac  - someone who is too anxious about their health , hypersensitive  - overly sensitive , hyperactive - extremely active , hyperbole - overexaggerating; type of figurative language , impolite - not having manners , inappropriate  - not appropriate , millimeter - a metric unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter., millipede  - a bug thought to have a thousand legs , forehead - a part of the face above the eyebrows , forecast - often used for the weather to predict what will happen, foresee - to predict or be aware of beforehand , bankrupt - lacking enough money to pay outstanding debts , interrupt  - disturbing an activity or process; what students do to teachers all the time!, rupture  - break or disturb suddenly ,

Week 7 Morphemes Crossword


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