1) Expressing opinion a) As I see it, b) Speaking from personal experience I’d say that… c) In my experience, … d) I often find that… 2) Rephrasing a) It’s funny you should ask that… b) I guess what I’m trying to say is… c) I’m a firm believer in… d) Look, here’s what I think… 3) Buying time a) It’s funny you should ask that… b) I guess what I’m trying to say is… c) Moving on to… d) Now when it comes to… 4) Adding additional points a) I’d go along with that. b) I was just going to say that. c) You took the words right out of my mouth. d) Another point worth highlighting is… 5) Agreeing a) Yes but if we look at it from another angle… b) That’s not exactly how I see it. c) No, you’ve lost me there. d) Totally/Absolutely/Exactly 6) Disagreeing a) Wouldn’t it be better to b) I hear what you’re saying but… c) I beg to differ I’m afraid. d) It must also be pointed out that… 7) Making a decision a) Right, let’s get down to the nitty gritty. b) Where do you stand on this topic? c) What do you reckon? d) I think it’s important not to forget that… 8) Giving examples a) So as I was saying… b) In a nutshell, c) What are your thoughts on this? d) A clear example of this is… 9) Impressive structures a) I was just going to say that. b) You took the words right out of my mouth. c) The vast majority of people tend to think that… d) Yes but if we look at it from another angle… 10) Convincing/Negotiating a) Another point worth highlighting is… b) What’s more c) To put it another way… d) I’m sure we can come to a compromise 11) Personalising the topic a) I hold the view that… b) This really resonates with me personally because… c) Aside from that, d) It must also be pointed out that…

Speaking: Useful Phrases- C2


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