horrified - extremely shocked or disgusted, disappointed - sad because something has not happened or because something is not as good as you had hoped, snore - When a person who is alseep makes a loud noise each time he/she breathes., nightmare - terrifying dream, choir - a group of people who sing together, for example in a church or school, encore - a short extra performance at the end of a longer one, which an entertainer gives because the audience asks for it, suspect - a person who the police or authorities think may be guilty of a crime, forehead -  your password, kidneys - the organs in your body that take waste matter from your blood and send it out of your body as urine, finger - one of the long thin parts at the end of each hand, orchestra - a large group of musicians who play a variety of different instruments together, blanket - a large square or rectangular piece of thick cloth, especially one which you put on a bed to keep you warm, wave - to move your hand from side to side in the air, usually in order to say hello or goodbye to someone, realize - understand fully, become aware of something,

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